01 October 2023

EnerScale Closed Beta version 4 is now available

We are pleased to announce that EnerScale Closed Beta version 4 is now available to select partners. In the latest version, we have updated the lifetime prediction and grading of solar PV panels, some of the main indicators to assess whether a solar panel can be reused or needs to be recycled.

Some of the main updates include:

  • A lifetime prediction algorithm that (a) factors in the environmental factors, such as temperatures and wind speed, and (b) filters out causes of production loss other than age degradation
  • Grading function that factors in the latest algorithms: (a) solar PV degradation rate and (b) solar PV lifetime prediction

EnerScale is currently under the R&D phase and is only available to select partners. If you are interested in using our technology/services, PoC partnership, or other collaboration opportunities, please email us at the addresses below.

[Contact information]

  • For partnerships and other inquiries (Business Development): biz@enerscale.co
  • For media inquiries (PR): press@enerscale.co